Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Just Back!!!

Went on a trip to San Deigo, Las Vegas and Grand Canyon and just back..... Will have to write a whole big blog to describe the trip but first a few small important things:


Congrats to her for getting an PPO. Wishing you all the success in future.

A special thanx to Amol.... nice to find a good friend.... and thanx for for all the stuff you have done for us.

I have become a fan of WalMart. Its one of the top 5 companies in the world and has employes more people than US army.... awesome..... will do some research and will come come up with more facts.

It has made to the top of the Wired 40 companies list.
Apple Stands at 2nd spot, infosys at 11th and Microsoft at 36th position.

Do you also find Google as interesting as me. Write to them then or read this post.


Mayank said...

google iz surely changing the world !! ..
haven't been to walmart though till now :) !!

Mayank said...

i think u forgot to write the heading such that it notifies the blogs contents

Mayank said...

one more interesting fact i came to know ...while reading wired ...South Korea has much better broadband connectivity than what US has !! more than 40% have high bandwidth connections compared to some 8-9 % in US !!